
Difference Between WordPress.com And WordPress.org

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables individuals and businesses to create and manage websites easily. However, there are two different versions of WordPress that often confuse people: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two platforms, their features, and help you decide which one is the right fit for your needs.


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that is open-source and empowers countless websites around the globe. It offers flexibility, user-friendliness, and a vast array of features. When it comes to choosing between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, it’s essential to understand the distinctions to make an informed decision. You can check top 10 best free WordPress themes for your website.


WordPress.com is a hosting platform that provides users with a simplified and managed version of WordPress. It offers convenience, especially for beginners or users who prefer a hands-off approach. Here are some key points to consider about WordPress.com:

Definition and features: WordPress.com is a hosting service that allows users to create a website without the need for technical know-how. It offers a user-friendly interface, pre-installed themes, and essential features like security, backups, and updates.

Hosting and domain options: When using WordPress.com, your website will be hosted on their servers, and you will have a WordPress.com subdomain (e.g., yoursite.wordpress.com) by default. However, you can also opt for a custom domain for a professional touch.

Customization limitations: WordPress.com has certain limitations when it comes to customization. Users have access to a limited set of themes and cannot install custom themes or plugins unless they upgrade to a paid plan. This restricts the level of control and uniqueness you can achieve with your website.

Monetization options: WordPress.com offers built-in monetization options, such as displaying ads through their WordAds program. However, to access advanced monetization methods like Google AdSense or affiliate marketing, you need to subscribe to their Business plan.


WordPress.org, often referred to as self-hosted WordPress, offers a more flexible and powerful solution for building websites. Here’s what you need to know about WordPress.org:

Downloading and installing WordPress: With WordPress.org, you have complete control over your website. You can download the WordPress software for free and install it on your own hosting provider. This gives you the freedom to choose a hosting plan that suits your needs and budget.

Hosting and domain requirements: Unlike WordPress.com, where hosting is included, WordPress.org requires you to have your own hosting account. You can choose from various hosting providers and select a domain name that represents your brand or website.

Complete control and customization options: WordPress.org provides unlimited customization options. You can install custom themes and plugins to enhance your website’s appearance and functionality. This level of control allows you to create a unique online presence tailored to your specific requirements.

Extensibility through plugins and themes: With WordPress.org, you can access a vast library of free and premium plugins and themes. These extensions enable you to add advanced features, optimize your website for SEO, enhance security, and improve the user experience. You can check top 5 best WordPress Plugin for your website.

Differences Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org:

Now that we have explored the main features of WordPress.com and WordPress.org, let’s highlight the key differences between the two:

Hosting and domain options: WordPress.com offers hosting as part of their service, while WordPress.org requires you to find and manage your own hosting provider. Additionally, WordPress.com provides a default subdomain, whereas WordPress.org allows you to use a custom domain of your choice.

Customization and control: WordPress.com has limitations on customization, as you can only choose from a limited set of themes and cannot install custom themes or plugins on the free plan. In contrast, WordPress.org gives you total control over your website, so you can customize it as much as you want using the themes and plugins you prefer.

Monetization possibilities: WordPress.com offers built-in monetization options like WordAds, but advanced monetization methods require a paid plan. With WordPress.org, you have the freedom to monetize your website in any way you prefer, including Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, or selling products and services directly.

Support and updates: WordPress.com takes care of updates, backups, and security measures, ensuring that your website remains up-to-date and protected. With WordPress.org, you are responsible for managing updates and backups, but you also have the advantage of a vibrant community and extensive documentation for support.

Choosing the Right Option:

Your choice between WordPress.com and WordPress.org will depend on your specific needs and objectives. Consider these factors carefully before making a wise decision:

Considerations for personal bloggers: If you’re a personal blogger who wants a hassle-free setup with limited technical involvement, WordPress.com can be an ideal choice. It offers simplicity and takes care of essential aspects, allowing you to focus on creating content.

Business and professional websites: For business or professional websites that require custom branding, advanced features, and monetization flexibility, WordPress.org is recommended. It gives you complete control over your online presence, enabling you to create a professional and unique website.

Budget and technical expertise: WordPress.com offers various plans, including free and paid options, allowing you to choose according to your budget. On the other hand, WordPress.org requires a hosting plan, which incurs additional costs. Additionally, managing a self-hosted website requires some technical proficiency or willingness to learn.


In conclusion, while WordPress.com and WordPress.org share a common foundation, there are significant differences between them. WordPress.com provides a managed hosting solution with limitations on customization and monetization. WordPress.org, on the other hand, offers complete control, flexibility, and extensibility, making it suitable for professional websites and users who prefer full autonomy over their online presence.

By considering your specific needs, technical expertise, and budget, you can choose the right option that aligns with your goals. Whether you opt for the convenience of WordPress.com or the freedom of WordPress.org, WordPress remains a versatile platform for creating beautiful and functional websites.